Monday 17 August 2020

Create Azure SQL User and add a sql role

I wanted to add a new sql user "sqluser" in Azure SQL server to access a database "sanjeeb". 

Steps to create a new SQL user. 

1) Connect to the Azure sql server with existing user using Microsoft SQL Server Management studio

2) Open new query window under Master database

3) Run the below script
    CREATE LOGIN [sqllogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'verystrongpassword#1' 

4) Open new query window under database "sanjeeb"

5) Run the below script

CREATE USER [sqluser]
FOR LOGIN [sqllogin]

-- Add user to the database owner role
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'sqluser'

6) You've now created a user login "sqllogin", user account "sqluser" and added the user to "db_owner role"

7) Connect to the database using the new user login account. 

login: sqllogin

8) Click Options and select Connection properties tab

9) input Connect to database = sanjeeb

10) Click connect

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