Showing posts with label date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label date. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 September 2020

How to find first weekday in the month in MSSQL

declare @n datetime = dateadd(mm,0,getDate())

   declare @FirstWeekDayOfMonth int

   SELECT @FirstWeekDayOfMonth= CASE

         WHEN Datename(dw, Dateadd(dd, -Datepart(dd, @n) + 1, @n)) = 'Saturday' THEN Day(Dateadd(dd, -Datepart(dd, @n) + 3, @n))

         WHEN Datename(dw, Dateadd(dd, -Datepart(dd, @n) + 1, @n)) = 'Sunday' THEN Day(Dateadd(dd, -Datepart(dd, @n) + 2, @n))

         ELSE Day(Dateadd(dd, -Datepart(dd, @n) + 1, @n))


   select @FirstWeekDayOfMonth

Note: to find out first day of next month , change  first line to dateadd(mm,1,getDate()) 

1st day of next N month , change the first line to dateadd(mm,n,getDate())

How to delete Local_lvm storage and resize local storage to use full disk space?

1) Delete the Local_lvm from othe proxmox interface . "datacenter" > Storage. Select the local_lvm storage and click "Remo...